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Ben Johnson pratiquait la post-fatigue pour progresser au sprint !

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Ben Johnson pratiquait la post-fatigue pour progresser au sprint !

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 08/06/2006 17h32

Si vous vous souvenez, Poliquin a publié il y a quelques années un article sur la potention, et donnait l'anecdote que Ben Johnson faisiat un triplé au SQT 10 minutes avant ces sprints pour exciter ces fibres nerveuses et courrir plus vite.

C'est contradictoire avec ce que dit Charlie Francis (entraineur de ben johnson) ici.

Non seulement Ben squattait après ces sprints, mais en plus ne descendait pas trop dans les reps, car il était trop fort et risquait de se blesser.

Arm Cycling and the Three-Rep Max Myth

Q: In your book The Charlie Francis Training System, you state that Ben Johnson was able to cycle his arms at 4.7 times per second when sprinting. Was the cycle considered the arm moving forward and back as one cycle, or is the arm forward one cycle and the arm back a second cycle?

Also, I thought I read an article by Charles Poliquin that said Ben Johnson performed a three-rep max squat about ten minutes before he broke the world record. If this is true, could you please expound on how you use this training principle?

A: Each cycle is in one direction only. (Although Ben averaged 4.7 strides per second, his peak frequency was 5.2 SPS!) As for the three-rep max story, well, I heard that one too! Sorry, it never happened! In fact, it couldn't have happened, either, since there were no weights at the Olympic warm-up venue.

For the record, we always lifted after speed work, never before! Ben's heaviest squat workout was two sets of six at 600 pounds, past parallel. Though, obviously, he could have gone much higher, he never did; after all, that was enough! Of course, this means there was no three-rep max, either!
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Fabrice SP
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Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
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