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Du Step Up pour développer la force des cuisses ?

MessagePosté: 11/11/2009 01h30
par Fred

Several years ago the Bulgarian weight lifting team began to drop all back squatting in favor of high step-up. By that time, many Soviet lifters had abandoned squats and made their higher lifts in the snatch and clean and jerk than ever before. Perhaps the most dramatic example of this involves the career of Leonid Taranenko, the current holder of the world record in the clean and jerk in the superheavyweight class.

Taranenko has done the clean and jerk with the amazing weight of 586 pounds. Think of it! Almost 600 pounds lifted from the floor to full arms' length overhead. But to many longtime lifters in this country, it is perhaps even more amazing than it has been at least four years since Taranenko has done a back squat of any kind.

Re: Du Step Up pour développer la force des cuisses?

MessagePosté: 11/11/2009 09h48
par BouBou
Bizarre que l'on ai pas plus entendu parler de ce phénomène "anti-squat" :wtf: :rolleyes:

Re: Du Step Up pour développer la force des cuisses ?

MessagePosté: 11/11/2009 23h31
par Fabrice SP

Taranenko: The back squat is the most important strength exercise. I usually squat every day, sometimes more than once-a-day. My best back squat is 380 kg (837 lbs). But this is with a two-second pause at the bottom.

la vérité est ailleur ! :)

Re: Du Step Up pour développer la force des cuisses ?

MessagePosté: 12/11/2009 19h16
par Fred
Hallucinant de voir comment les deux sources se contredisent! :wtf:

Re: Du Step Up pour développer la force des cuisses ?

MessagePosté: 12/11/2009 20h26
par Fabrice SP
haha c'est pour ça que ça ne sert à rien de lire en fait

faut regarder les DVD ! :super_lol: