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Extreme Heavy Duty (1 set of leg press) !

MessagePosté: 23/03/2004 20h05
par Vincent
"After reading hit post I decided to write, reasons for doing only one set and leg only training. The below needs more explanations. They are just being use as good point for this type of training. They are from Mike and Arthur books and articles.

1) Mike Mentzer; Legpress, squats and Deadlifts are the most prodictive excersices.

2) Mike Mentzer; If you could stimulate growth with zero sets. You would grow so fast it would stagger the imagination (he would joke and say he hasnt figured it out yet. But he is working on it) There is zero sets for upper body. So in a way Steve is kinda acomplishing this.

3) Mike Mentzer; One set is a negative as far as you train at all is a negative, you are digging a hole into recovery ability. But you cant have a workout with zero sets.

4) Mike Mentzer; Its easy to notice the diffrence in the muscles of a sprinter and a marathon runner, whos muscle are small and stringy. Sprinter′s run very fast and hard. Because of its hight intensity nature they are prevented from running longer. Thus the systemic affect from running at a hight intensity level. Give′s them more muscle than the marathon runner. Marathon runers, run slow and for long distance. The intenstiy is very low.

5) Mike Mentzer, Arthur Jones; Throw a small rock in a lake it creates small ripples. Throw a bigger rock and it creates bigger ripples. Thats the systimic affect. The larger the muscle being trained the more growth thruw out the body. So leg training can result in upper body growth.

6) Arthur Jones; If a trainee was to just do squats for a year. He could possibly add 20lbs of muscle. He would gain muscle on his legs. But because of the systemic affect caused by the squats only workout. The trainee would also experience overall growth thru out his body. Pecs, lats and arms would also grow.(Side note; Static holds are more intense traing. Possible that the above trainee could gain more muscle)

Just a few thing that pop into my head after reading HIT post."

---- :eek: :D

La je suis plus avec eux hahaaha ONE SET OF LEG PRESS once a WEEK or once a MONTH !!!

En plus, scientifiquement il a été démontré que l'effet indirect (Squat for big arms) est quelque chose qui ne se produit pas.

MessagePosté: 23/03/2004 20h20
par Sébastien
Ah ah ah ah, Vincent toujours aussi "perdu" dans les théories ... :D
Il est irrécupérable ;)

MessagePosté: 23/03/2004 20h21
par Dx2jc
A mon avis le travail des cuisses permet de faire monter le taux de certaines hormones utiles à la croissance mais c'est pas pour ça que des muscles qui glandent rien vont grossir, il faut les entrainer quand-même.

MessagePosté: 23/03/2004 20h40
par Rudy
"En plus, scientifiquement il a été démontré que l'effet indirect (Squat for big arms) est quelque chose qui ne se produit pas. "

il suffisait d ouvrir les yeux pour le voir
tu vas en salle : t as plein de gars avec des big bras et pourtant qui ont pas de jambes :confused:
relis tes anciens post suir l ancien forum Vincent :p

MessagePosté: 23/03/2004 22h43
par Vincent
heu... :confused: si jamais pour une fois je faisais parti de ceux qui se moquent du HD, enfin c'est plus du HD la... c'est la méthode de Steve the Canadian...

Re: Extreme Heavy Duty (1 set of leg press)

MessagePosté: 23/03/2004 22h56
par Kn P
Vincent a écrit:
ONE SET OF LEG PRESS once a WEEK or once a MONTH !!!
une fois par mois, t'exagères pas un peu là ? :wtf:

MessagePosté: 23/03/2004 23h08
par Seb31
Erf de toute façon c'est n'importe ses théories ... No pain No gain c'est tout ! Faut bombarder cte pute de fibre... De la presse une fois par mois c'est pour les fainiants naïf :o