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Prise conjointe d'oméga 3 et de polyphenol

MessagePosté: 25/02/2013 18h19
par Zion
Salut !

Tout d'abord un grand bravo pour ton bouquin (et celui qui arrive, je suis impatient )

J'ai 2 petites questions qui me turlupine, alors je me permet...

J'ai lu récemment qu'il pouvait y avoir un lien intéressant entre polyphenol et oméga 3 ici :

Alterations in the Intestinal Assimilation of Oxidized PUFAs Are Ameliorated by a Polyphenol-Rich Grape Seed Extract in an In Vitro Model and Caco-2 Cells
Rodrigo Maestre J. Nutr. March 1, 2013 vol. 143 no. 3 295-301

The (n-3) PUFAs 20:5 (n-3) (EPA) and 22:6 (n-3) (DHA) are thought to benefit human health. The presence of prooxidant compounds in foods, however, renders them susceptible to oxidation during both storage and digestion. The development of oxidation products during digestion and the potential effects on intestinal PUFA uptake are incompletely understood. In the present studies, we examined: 1) the development and bioaccessibility of lipid oxidation products in the gastrointestinal lumen during active digestion of fatty fish using the in vitro digestive tract TNO Intestinal Model-1 (TIM-1); 2) the mucosal cell uptake and metabolism of oxidized compared with unoxidized PUFAs using Caco-2 intestinal cells; and 3) the potential to limit the development of oxidation products in the intestine by incorporating antioxidant polyphenols in food. We found that during digestion, the development of oxidation products occurs in the stomach compartment, and increased amounts of oxidation products became bioaccessible in the jejunal and ileal compartments. Inclusion of a polyphenol-rich grape seed extract (GSE) during the digestion decreased the amounts of oxidation products in the stomach compartment and intestinal dialysates (P < 0.05). In Caco-2 intestinal cells, the uptake of oxidized (n-3) PUFAs was ~10% of the uptake of unoxidized PUFAs (P < 0.05) and addition of GSE or epigallocatechin gallate protected against the development of oxidation products, resulting in increased uptake of PUFAs (P < 0.05). These results suggest that addition of polyphenols during active digestion can limit the development of (n-3) PUFA oxidation products in the small intestine lumen and thereby promote intestinal uptake of the beneficial, unoxidized, (n-3) PUFAs.

1) Du coup, d'après toi, peut-il y avoir un intérêt à consommer 10g de raisins secs en fin de repas à chaque prise d'une gelule d'omega 3 NM ?

2) J'ai lu dans ton bouquin que tu recommandais 1200 mg d'EPA et 600 mg de DHA par jour. Tu trouves donc juste ma prise de 3 gellules par jour d'omega 3 NM ? (matin, midi et soir) sachant que chaque pillule fait 380 mg d'EPA et 190 mg de DHA ?

3) Et enfin dernière question après quoi je ne t'embêtes plus :P Si je me supplémente de cette façon en oméga 3, y'a t'il toujours un réel avantage à manger mes 30g d'amandes journaliers en collation du matin, sachant que je suppose qu'ils ne contiennent que de l'ALA ?

Merci beaucoup !