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Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders

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Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders

Messagepar Alban le 05/07/2011 14h35

Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders with high-intensity resistance exercise

Hyerang Kim email, Saningun Lee email and Ryowon Choue email

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2011, 8:10doi:10.1186/1550-2783-8-10
Published: 4 July 2011

Abstract (provisional)


High protein diet has been known to cause metabolic acidosis, which is manifested by increased urinary excretion of nitrogen and calcium. Bodybuilders habitually consumed excessive dietary protein over the amounts recommended for them to promote muscle mass accretion. This study investigated the metabolic response to high protein consumption in the elite bodybuilders.

Eight elite Korean bodybuilders within the age from 18 to 25, mean age 21.5 +/- 2.6. For data collection, anthropometry, blood and urinary analysis, and dietary assessment were conducted.

They consumed large amounts of protein (4.3 +/- 1.2 g/kg BW/day) and calories (5,621.7 +/- 1,354.7 kcal/day), as well as more than the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and calcium. Serum creatinine (1.3 +/- 0.1 mg/dl) and potassium (5.9 +/- 0.8 mmol/L), and urinary urea nitrogen (24.7 +/- 9.5 mg/dl) and creatinine (2.3 +/- 0.7 mg/dl) were observed to be higher than the normal reference ranges. Urinary calcium (0.3 +/- 0.1 mg/dl), and phosphorus (1.3 +/- 0.4 mg/dl) were on the border of upper limit of the reference range and the urine pH was in normal range.

Increased urinary excretion of urea nitrogen and creatinine might be due to the high rates of protein metabolism that follow high protein intake and muscle turnover. The obvious evidence of metabolic acidosis in response to high protein diet in the subjects with high potassium intake and intensive resistance exercise were not shown in this study results. However, this study implied that resistance exercise with adequate mineral supplementation, such as potassium and calcium, could reduce or offset the negative effects of protein-generated metabolic changes. This study provides preliminary information of metabolic response to high protein intake in bodybuilders who engaged in high-intensity resistance exercise. Further studies will be needed to determine the effects of the intensity of exercise and the level of mineral intakes, especially potassium and calcium, which have a role to maintain acid-base homeostasis, on protein metabolism in large population of bodybuilders.

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Bon allez, un dernier calcul et on s'en va.
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Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders

Messagepar delacouleur le 06/07/2011 02h46

En gros c'est super important de se supplémenté en calcium et potassium...
Mais bon ils étaient chargé comme des mules en protéine faut dire... (moyenne 4.3 g/Kg)
Et comme dans tout bon article scientifique, on en sort pas beaucoup plus intelligent
Marre de réfléchir par sois-même :idiot:
J'ai mal de partout
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Inscription: 03/11/2010 10h10
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Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders

Messagepar Alban le 06/07/2011 14h22

En calcium, je ne sais pas, mais le potassium a surement un effet.

On pourrait s'attendre à une grosse acidose avec de telles quantités de protéines, et en fait, pas tant que ça. Faudrait réussir à compdnre pourquoi ? Beaucoup de glucides ?
Bon allez, un dernier calcul et on s'en va.
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Messages: 11025
Inscription: 17/05/2003 13h43
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Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders

Messagepar RiMa le 06/07/2011 15h04

J'avais lu que les glucides & les céréales étaient acidifiants :confused: . (Flocons d'avoine, pâtes riz).

Pourtant le quinoa, et la pomme de terre sont légèrement alcalinisant.
"3 répétitions, c'est déjà une série longue."
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Inscription: 07/08/2010 19h57
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Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders

Messagepar martino le 06/07/2011 22h30

peut etre qu ils lisent sp et qu ils prennent un peu de bicarbonate de potassium.

non franchement peut etre qu ils consomment des complements alcalinisants
Messages: 572
Inscription: 24/11/2009 18h49
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Metabolic responses to high protein diet in Korean elite bodybuilders

Messagepar Invite le 06/07/2011 22h54

Alban a écrit:Faudrait réussir à compdnre pourquoi ? Beaucoup de glucides ?

Beaucoup de glucides + prise de masse.
Messages: 5943
Inscription: 18/09/2006 14h17
Réputation: 0

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