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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 13h19

John Little

"Welcome to Max Contraction On-Line, the home page of John Little and his approach to rational, efficient education to train your mind and body. In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, John has been responsible for no less than three revolutions in how people view productive exercise. His first two books (Power Factor Training and Static Contraction Training, written in conjunction with Peter Sisco) pointed out many of the fallacies and deceptions that had become entrenched as dogma within the bodybuilding and fitness industries and then offered a scientific alternative to the issue of building human strength and muscularity. More recently, John’s latest book, Max Contraction Training (McGraw Hill, 2003), has further refined and improved upon these approaches and established that productive and efficient training for the purpose of building human strength requires a workout lasting no more than 10-60-seconds of actual training performed but once a week."

bon moi qui suis aime bien le low volume, la je rigole aussi !!!! n'importe quoi la !!!! 10 à 60 secondes d'entrainement par semaine !!!!! haahahaaahhhahhhahaa qui veut tester ca ?!! :p

ce John Little vraiment terrible, il dit n'importe quoi, retourne sa veste tout le temps !!!! Il dit que le HD est le meilleur entrainement quand il co-écrit le livre avec Mike et puis après il sort son propre livre 10 sec d'entrainement UNE seconde par EXO !!!!! vraiment pas possible la !

y a un phénomène maintenant c'est : marre de pas progresser avec un entrainement weider 20-30 séries par muscles ? pourquoi ne pas essayer mon entrainement 1 seconde par exercice une fois par semaine ? :cool:
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 13h30

"This is a tragedy; not only because fitness is crucial (without health, your performance at work and home suffers), but because it really doesn’t require that much time to become physically fit. In fact, it takes approximately 30 seconds a week to start; after which it takes 12 seconds a week and then 12 seconds every two weeks and, ultimately, 3 seconds every two weeks."

NON MAIS LA c'est quoi ca !!!!!

3 SECONDES d'entrainement UNE FOIS toutes les 2 SEMAINES !!!! déjà que le HD.... je comprend qu'on doute :D mais la.... John Little c'est vraiment une MERDE ce gars !!!

ahahaha trois secondes toutes les 2 semaines haahahahahaa
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 13h34

John Little :

"I realize that this sounds far-fetched, if not downright impossible. How can one build their body’s strength and fitness levels with only 30-seconds a week? The answer is by training with a revolutionary new protocol called “Max Contraction.” The Max Contraction system is the result of over 20 years of research and experimentation into the science of what actually causes muscle tissue to grow stronger and bodies to become leaner"
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Bovidus le 22/09/2003 13h51

Ces gourous :o
Ils veulent récupérer le tune des brebis égarés weideriennes qui progressent plus et catabolisent!
Messages: 967
Inscription: 27/05/2003 16h52
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 13h53

Voila les principes d'entrainement de JOHN LITTLE !!!!

1. Only one 1-second set is required to stimulate maximum increases in muscle size and strength (i.e., you do not need multiple “sets” of an exercise for any given bodypart).

*** 1 seconde par exercice ! ahahahahahahahaa

2. Time (1-6 seconds per set) is more important than repetitions.

3. Movement through a full-range of motion is less valuable for size and strength increases than is a full or maximal contraction that is sustained for the time frame indicated.

*** sure !!!

4. Only one workout per week is required to make optimal (not minimal) progress – and even less training is required as you become stronger.

5. A well-balanced diet provides all the nutrition your body needs to allow you to lose fat, build muscle and have more energy (i.e., you do not need supplements; supplements have been overemphasized for commercial reasons and do nothing to stimulate muscle growth, nor will they allow the body to build muscle or strength faster).

*** C'est sur qu'avec 5 sec d'entrainement par semaine il faut une bonne diète !!!

6. A productive workout requires no more than 50 seconds (maximum) and 10 seconds (minimum) of total training time to complete.

7. You can build maximum muscle size and strength on virtually any type of progressive resistance equipment (from Bowflex to free weights) – if you utilize the correct training protocol and principles.

8. You only need to perform a one-second maximum contraction once every two weeks to maintain your size and strength increases indefinitely

*** indefinitely ??? et l'age dans tout ca... 1 sec toutes les 2 semaines !!!

9. You do not need to spend hours a day and multiple days per week in the gym to build a muscular body and to dramatically increase the strength of your muscles.

*** ok mais avec 1 sec par exo on va pas très loin non plus... :rolleyes:
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
Réputation: 0

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 13h53

Bovidus a écrit:Ces gourous :o
Ils veulent récupérer le tune des brebis égarés weideriennes qui progressent plus et catabolisent!

oui le LOW volume training devient PIRE que Weider, mais John Little n'en est pas à son premier coup !!! une vraie merde ce gars !

Le pire c'est qu'il ose dire que c'est SCIENTIFIQUE alalalalaala put1 pas possible ca !!! Y a aucun des principes de l'hypertrophie dans son entrainement... Full Range of Movment c'est l'un des premiers principes établis par Nautilus.
Dernière édition par Vincent le 22/09/2003 13h55, édité 1 fois.
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 22/09/2003 13h54

Ds le même genre il y a avait Doug McGuff...

2 séries de SuperSlow ts les dix jours...


Vincent, je profites de ton topic que personne lira pour te dire un truc terrible ! Je crois bien que Pavel disait peu de conneries finalement !!!

Ses exos et routines (style bear routine) sont pourris, mais sa philosophie du 5*5 est pas mal finalement.

Je crois bien qu'alterner du travail foncier en séries de 5 avec du HIT to failure et un rep range plus grand (style 2 semaines ts les 2 mois) c'est un bon compromis...

En fait, les powerlifters ont ts compris quand tu regardes leur cycle : 2-3 semaines en 8-10 reps. Plusieurs semaines de foncier en 5 reps. 1-2 semaine de peak et ça repart... Suffit juste d'adapter un peu car on fait plus d'exos...



I have absolutely no doubt that Mike would approve of my choice, and I am proud to announce that JOHN LITTLE measures up to all of the above requirements...and then some. For most of you, John needs no further introduction, but for the purpose of keeping this consultation page from being too lengthy, I do want to provide you with some details regarding John’s qualifications, as well as some direct quotes from Mike Mentzer about John. (See the link at the end of this page.)
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13822
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
Réputation: 236

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 13h59

bah Pavel j'aime pas, chez les russes il est considéré comme un clown, il vient et promet aux ricains des progrès avec les "SECRETS RUSSES" !

vraiment tous des merdes ces gourous ! mais John Little détient la palme supreme de la connerie !!!! et du mensonge !
il fait les consultations téléphoniques pour Mike !!! alors qu'il croit pas au HD et a sa propre méthode.

Bien sur la je fais la meme chose que la pluspart font avec Jones, mais il y a quand meme une différence entre Little et Jones... :D

Faut s'en tenir à ce qui marche sur le forum ou les différents forum le reste... c'est du commercial 100% !!! mais la Little j'en reviens pas ! put1 ce type est une sous-merde ! :evil:
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
Réputation: 0

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 14h01

Fab sur le forum Heavy Duty, Val Segal raconte la vérité a propos de Joanne et John !

en gros 2 grosses merdent qui pensent qu'à faire du fric en se reposant sur l'image de Mike !
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
Réputation: 0

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 22/09/2003 14h08

Vincent a écrit:Faut s'en tenir à ce qui marche sur le forum ou les différents forum le reste... c'est du commercial 100% !!! mais la Little j'en reviens pas ! put1 ce type est une sous-merde ! :evil:

C'est clair !!!

McRobert est devenu ultra-commercial depuis Beyond Brawn. Même Kubik abuse un peu : 50$ chacune ses vidéos ds son garage ! :confused:
Pavel un des pires de tous ! Il vend un truc pour faire la roulette quasi 1000 FF !!! Une pauve merde en plastique ! Matt Furey fait son biz avec ses exos poids de corps. Lui et Pavel, tu t'inscris à leur neewsletter, tu es spammé ts les jours avec leur conneries !

AJ a vieilli... Il n'est plus sur le terrain. Hatfield est aussi vachement commercial... Leistner ça va à peu près, mais ces routines tuerait un gorille ! :-)

Brian H. j'aime pas. Belle image de dopé en présentation de son site.

BDJ vire pas mal ds le commercial, il a déposé le nom de ses hyper-mega-ultra set et autres, on croit rêver !

Il n'existe même plus un gourrou digne de ce noom ! AhAhah !
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13822
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
Réputation: 236

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 22/09/2003 14h10

Vincent a écrit:Fab sur le forum Heavy Duty, Val Segal raconte la vérité a propos de Joanne et John !

Vas-y balance un lien ou une quote ! :evil:
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13822
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
Réputation: 236

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Bovidus le 22/09/2003 14h27

Fabrice a écrit:McRobert est devenu ultra-commercial depuis Beyond Brawn

Leistner ça va à peu près, mais ces routines tuerait un gorille ! :-)

Il n'existe même plus un gourrou digne de ce noom ! AhAhah !

C'est vrai que ce sont tous des hommes d'affaires, mais mc robert reste qd meme raisonable comparé a Jones, Mentzer, etc.

Le Dr Ken Leistner est une bete, son 20 rep sqt suivi ds bon sdtjt mais a ca facon en "tuerait" plus d'un alors qu'il y a encore 40mins de travail a faire pr achever la routine, mais le trainer est achevé avant.....
Messages: 967
Inscription: 27/05/2003 16h52
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 14h35

Bovi' je dirais que le seul qui a pas viré dans le commercial c'est Jones, si tu lis ses textes jamais il ne parle de HIT, jamais !

il ne fait que proposer une série de principes d'entrainement, il ne donne pas de routine, il dit que SEUL un FOU peut prétendre avoir une routine qui fonctionne pour tout le monde.

Mc Robert vend le HG magazine, Jones n'a jamais vendu de magazine, il écrivait des articles dans Ironman puis dans Heavy Duty en traitant les lecteurs d'imbéciles (pas mal le coup commercial).

Mais en effet Fab, Jones s'est retiré et n'en a probablement plus grand chose à faire de ces guerres.


Val Segal :

"Dear Guys,

I am writing this story because most of you are interested in Joanne and J. Little involvements in Mike Mentzer's life and now in his Estate. This is a true story about my relationship with Mike, Joanne and J. Little.
As some of you already know, I worked for Mike for many years. I met him at Gold's (Venice) and asked him to train me. He quoted me his rates and within a week we began training. I was astonished by my progress and so did Mike. I won't go in detail about my results (please let me know & I will write separate story about it). After few weeks Mike & I became good pals and often went to eat @ Rose Cafe next to Gold's after workouts.
Since I just came into US and was looking for work, Mike has offered me a simple job by doing his mail order business. It was 1994 and during this time his business was doing really well. He had a Twinlab/Muscular Development contract. Not even to mention that consultation and in-gym training was making big $$$. I was new here, so Mike and I spent a lot of time together after work talking about High-Intensity Training and other things about live in America.
Time went by, I was working for Mike for about 3 years. One time he asked me to drive him to his brother's Rehab Clinic down in Redondo Beach. When we got there I met Joanne where she worked for Ray Mentzer as a secretary/accountant. She appeared as a very nice lady. Later, I also met Ray Mentzer. I came to Ray's "Spinal Dynamics" (name of his clinic) many times. I became a good friend with Ray and often visited him in his house for a dinner.
Mike lived in a very nice big Town House and he offered me to rent a room there, since at the time I lived about 30 min. from him. One time J. Little came to see Mike and I met him as well. He appeared as very nice guy, Mike mentioned to me that he is an old friend from years before when Mike worked for Weider. I believe John was an editor or worked for Flex or Muscle & Fitness. Mike said that John is a specialist on Bruce Lee. He also developed a Static training, however Mike told me that he doesn't believed in it since it requires none of the positive/negative movement. That's all I know about John. During my time with Mike, John called Mike a few times but never visited him again.
Suddenly, Mike got very sick. It was a year of Flu Epidemic.
He asked me to help him with his phone consultations, since he was in no condition of talking to people. So, I started to consult his clients. Everyone loved it and didn't have any problem with me substituting Mike. He was sick for a long time and I took care of him. I cleaned the house, went to the store to get his medicine and food, and held his hand when he felt bad. After Mike got better he was grateful and bought me a BMW. We moved to a new office, since Mike wanted to increase his business operations. Everything was going on great. Mike & I were doing phone consultations and mail order business was doing terrific.
During that time, Ray Clinic went out of business. Mike was a generous man, so he offered Ray and Joanne working positions. Ray was doing some phone consultations and Joanne did secretary work. As soon as the came on board, they start telling Mike bad things about me. Later Mike told me that Ray and Joanne were jealous of me making good money. Mike tried to cut my salary and we got in a bad argument. I decided to leave Mike and start my own business. Mike and I didn’t speak for a year.
One time on New Year Night I received a phone call from Mike asking me to see him. I came to his house next day. I found him depressed and in very bad shape physically and mentally. He told me that he lost his contract with Twinlab, don’t have his office and was in and out of hospital. He asked me to help him out and I told him that I would be there for him. Mike said that he hired Joanne to do his mail order business from her house and Ray got very sick with his kidneys. After that Mike was a frequent visitor of VA Hospital and I came to see him often. It was very sad to see Mike so fragile without anyone by his side. Nobody came to visit him and he looked like he’s getting more and more depressed. When he came out from the Hospital he moved in with Ray, since his business wasn’t making enough money. Mike told me that Joanne was in charge of his accounts and since Mike was so many times sick, he didn’t know what is going on with his finances.
One time visiting Mike, I gave him an idea about HIT Video. Initially, I wanted to pump him up to get him back on track. However, Mike loved the idea and asked me to produce it. I agreed and we (Mike, Ray & I) started working on it. Mike was so excited about this project, that he had called everyone he knew and brag about it. (Part 2 will be posted tomorrow)…


I just fully red your reply. Let me tell you that Joanne doesn't know anything about HIT or bodybuilding. She's an elderly lady who was not Mike's partner, she was his secretary. Mike never wanted her to run his bussiness after he died. He made a will to my name with attorney Kyle McLaughlin. This will magiclly disappeared after his death. Kyle has a draft of the will, but the original copy is gone. Mike kept all of his paper in his safe. After his death all of those papers where missing. I spoke to Kyle after Mike's death and he have told me that Mike put entire Co. to MY name (VAL) and Julie McNew ( Mike's old Girlfriend). Joanne became a good friend with Mike's half syster and convinced her to put his Estate to her name.
This was a conspiracy against Mike's will and I have numerous witnesses to prove. Do you honestly believe that Mike Mentzer will give his Company to someone who can't even explain what HIT is?
By the way, Mike died very pour and his Co. was in debt of Thousands of Dollars when Joanne was in charge. can you explain that?
Read part 2 tomorrow.


Mike was in no condition to run his business at the end of his life. Wake up! He was in and out of the hospital, just watch the video, he looked very sick. It has nothing to do with him being genious, you don't know Mike. It is not my version of the truth, this is the only truth.
I can't fight the the draft since it is unsign. The real Will disappeared. Mike wanted to cut my salary because he was pressured and he admited it later. I have Mike's accountant, his best friend Greg and others to prove it. You just can't stand the fact that someone can stand up and say it the way it was. Mike wasn't resposible for the debt since he was sick, had a silent heart attack and other problems.
To dafortae,
If you don't don't know Mike personally don't speak on this subject. You don't know what are you talking about. Mike put Joanne in charge of his accounts in the Bank to pay bills, since he trusted her and business went down.
You simply are fooled by her and I can't believe are buying it."

Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 22/09/2003 14h45

Vincent a écrit:Since I just came into US and was looking for work, Mike has offered me a simple job by doing his mail order business. It was 1994 and during this time his business was doing really well. He had a Twinlab/Muscular Development contract. Not even to mention that consultation and in-gym training was making big $$$. I was new here, so Mike and I spent a lot of time together after work talking about High-Intensity Training and other things about live in America. .......

After Mike got better he was grateful and bought me a BMW. We moved to a new office, since Mike wanted to increase his business operations. Everything was going on great. Mike & I were doing phone consultations and mail order business was doing terrific.
During that time, Ray Clinic went out of business. Mike was a generous man, so he offered Ray and Joanne working positions. Ray was doing some phone consultations and Joanne did secretary work. As soon as the came on board, they start telling Mike bad things about me. Later Mike told me that Ray and Joanne were jealous of me making good money. ....


He told me that he lost his contract with Twinlab, don’t have his office and was in and out of hospital.

Que Mike repose en paix, mais ici tt est dit.

Je comprends mieux pourquoi MM mentionne Twinlab ds son bouquin HD2.

Apperement le fric coulait à flot. :eek:
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13822
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
Réputation: 236

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 15h01

oui je crois pas que Val soit un menteur, et Mike devait bien vivre de sa passion.

si tu veux vivre de ta passion t'es obligé d'écrires des livres qui se ressemblent avec 1-2 petits changements ou de faire des vidéos, vendre des tee shits des suppléments.
si tu vends quelque chose ca veut pas dire que t'es pas honnete, mais vendre n'importe quoi comme Little la...

Ou alors tu fais comme BDJ une asso a but non lucratif mais t'es obligé de bosser à coté ! un peu comme toi ;)

Val s'entraine avec du HD bien sur et entraine bcp de clients en Heavy Duty. Sur le forum il y en a pas mal qui font des super progrès--- à suivre !
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Bovidus le 22/09/2003 15h23

Ah, petit malentendu Sharivan!

Jones est le - commercial (il a déjà la tune qui faut ;)), Mc robert l'es autant que Menzter, qd je parlais de raisonable pour Stuart, je voulais parler de sa phliosophie d'entrainement.

Lui aussi il est vague et n'impose pas de training, il dit juste que 1-3 série suffisent par muscle ('le volume du low volume' dépend de chacun) et que le FB est > pr la surcompensation, 3x par semaine pr le débutant, 2x pour l'intermédiaire et encore - pr l'avancé.
Il dit aussi de pas faire les bras tant qu'on arrive pas a soulever 2x son poid en sqt/en sdt la dessus j'ai des doutes (plaisir orgasmique du curl).
Il dit aussi comme les autres de faire du cardio en FB peu fréquent pr eviter le déconditionnement.
Messages: 967
Inscription: 27/05/2003 16h52
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Bovidus le 22/09/2003 15h26

Au fait les gars, pour que je me couche cultivé ce soir, qu'a-il-eu comme malheur de santé Mike, il est décédé comment?

Paix a son âme.
Messages: 967
Inscription: 27/05/2003 16h52
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Sébastien le 22/09/2003 15h28

Il est mort de la même maladie que son frère je crois, un problème de sang il me semble (?)
Pt'être que Vinz saura :D
Messages: 9621
Inscription: 25/07/2003 07h53
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John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Vincent le 22/09/2003 16h42

Ray serait mort d'un problème aux reins et Mike d'un problème au coeur.

Je le redis quand meme pour ceux qui aurait manqué, John Little propose de s'entrainer 3 secondes toutes les 2 semaines pour les avancés et 60 sec par semaine pour les débutants.


on peut pas faire mieux !!! ca me fait marrer car avec le HD, on disait un entrainement tous les 2-3 mois, toutes les pleines lunes etc. Mais encore une fois la réalité dépasse l'imagination vu que Little propose 1 série de 1 sec par exo et 3 exos toutes les 2 semaines :cool:

Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
Réputation: 0

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Sébastien le 22/09/2003 16h47

Vincent a écrit:Ray serait mort d'un problème aux reins et Mike d'un problème au coeur.

Ah ben j'avais tout faux :p
Messages: 9621
Inscription: 25/07/2003 07h53
Réputation: 0

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Rudy le 22/09/2003 17h33

"ce John Little vraiment terrible, il dit n'importe quoi, retourne sa veste tout le temps !!!! Il dit que le HD est le meilleur entrainement quand il co-écrit le livre avec Mike et puis après il sort son propre livre 10 sec d'entrainement UNE seconde par EXO !!!!! vraiment pas possible la ! "

ca me fait penser a toi vincent ! qui change d avis sur un point chaque jour
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Messages: 27870
Inscription: 16/05/2003 07h20
Réputation: 284

John Little : 10 secondes d'entraînement par semaine !

Messagepar Fred le 23/09/2003 18h35

Vincent a écrit:John Little

"Welcome to Max Contraction On-Line, the home page of John Little and his approach to rational, efficient education to train your mind and body. In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, John has been responsible for no less than three revolutions in how people view productive exercise. His first two books (Power Factor Training and Static Contraction Training, written in conjunction with Peter Sisco) pointed out many of the fallacies and deceptions that had become entrenched as dogma within the bodybuilding and fitness industries and then offered a scientific alternative to the issue of building human strength and muscularity. More recently, John’s latest book, Max Contraction Training (McGraw Hill, 2003), has further refined and improved upon these approaches and established that productive and efficient training for the purpose of building human strength requires a workout lasting no more than 10-60-seconds of actual training performed but once a week."


c'est vrai quoi!moins on en fait mieux on se porte!!c'est du low volume consolidé!l'avenir de la muscu!devenez gros et fort avec 10 sec de muscu par mois!

RIDICULE au niveau entrainement

celà dit j'ai son livre, et mis à part son entrainement qui est pitoyable, sont bouquin a qq chapitres intéressants.
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Messages: 2919
Inscription: 22/05/2003 17h04
Réputation: 14

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