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Les exercices : lesquels faire ?

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Les exercices : lesquels faire ?

Messagepar Vincent le 26/09/2003 22h18

Je reposte ce msg qui date de l'ancien forum, je pense que c'est un truc utile pour les débutants et éventuellement les autres :

"In the first addition of "Get Buffed", Ian King made what I felt was a bold and profound statement:
"If you are simply attempting to create muscle breakdown as you may in hypertrophy training, the NUMBER of exercises may be more important than the number of SETS per exercise"."


"First off, he said "...may be more important...". So I must give Ian credit for presenting his view with a speculative tone.

Second, he didn't elaborate. It’s possible he may have the right idea, but put it into the wrong words.

With that out of the way, here is why the generalized statement, “more exercises is better for stimulating hypertrophy than more sets”, is incorrect.

From an anatomical standpoint, the insertion and origin of the muscle is fixed and cannot be moved. Thus, the motion of the two bones (one for the origin, the other for the insertion) when the muscle contracts is the same, regardless of the plane. The exception for this rule is the lats, pecs and delts due to their wide origins.

Even in light of these exceptions, the only change in tension experienced by the muscle tissue itself, is a result of simple stretch. Muscle doesn’t “think” and it is blind. All it knows is how much tension is being placed on it, how far it is forced to stretch, and how it is supposed to fuel itself in the process. It doesn’t know the difference between incline curls and decline curls. It doesn’t know the difference between dumbbell press and barbell press. All it knows is tension, stretch and metabolic requirements.

The degree of stretch experienced by the tissue may change in any muscle spanning more than 1 joint. Examples of muscles that might experience more stretch depending on the plane of motion are the long head of triceps, short head of biceps, long head of bicep femoris, and rectus femoris.

Some of you might be saying, “It sounds like there are a whole lot of “exceptions” to your argument…”. Not really. This is why. As mentioned above a muscle is only sensitive to 3 things, tension, stretch, and metabolic requirements. The 1st two things deal primarily with hypertrophy, while the second one is facilitative (synergistic) in nature while possessing very little hypertrophic potential in and of itself.

And about muscle damage, it is caused by tension/stretch, and oxidative stress. Pick an exercise that generates adequate tension, do a sufficient number of reps to produce some metabolic by products, and you will grow as fast as possible, regardless of what exercise it is.

The introduction of more and more exercises is a product of the bodybuilding magazine industry. The never ending effort to come up with new content about a subject they knew little about, led to the fabrication of “specialized exercises” and routines. This was also fueled by the need to explain away drug use by their sponsored athletes. If you didn’t look like the guy in the magazine, it was because he did a secret exercise, or a secret routine that you didn’t know about. Today, decades later, people are forced to wade through a proverbial marsh of misinformation trying to figure out how to train to achieve their goals. The never-ending influx of misinformation by bodybuilding magazines makes this an arduous and often frustrating task."

Bryan Haycock


Mike Mentzer : Squat / SDT / DIPS / PULLDOWN

puis Vince Basile : Squat + Pulldown

et Arthur qui donne une liste d'exos (différentes dans le bulletin 1 et 2). De mémoire : Squat / Curl / Dips / Tractions / DM / Wrist Curl / Pullover / SDT-jt /
Il également que certains exos devraient être fait en complément, il a une liste ~20 exos, comme le rowing, écartés couchés, élévations latérales, leg extension, leg durl, qui vont permettre un développement maximum, finalisé ce que les meilleurs exos ont permis.

Voici la liste du bulletin 1 :
1) standing presses with a barbell or with heavy dumbbells, (2) full squats, (3) stiff-legged deadlifts, (4) heavy barbell curls, (5) regular-grip chinning, (6) parallel dips, (7) barbell wrist-curls, (8) one-legged calf raises.

---- complément :

Me : Bryan what's the minimum number of exercises for MAXIMUM hypertrophy per bodypart ?

Bryan : "The process of hypertrophy is identical whether it be the 14th inch or the 20th inch on your arms. There is no difference between minimum or maximum hypertrophy, thus the stimulus for hypertrophy is the same ragardless of how big the muscle is at the time the stimulus is applied.

The minimum number of exercises for hypertrophy is 1. The effectiveness of that exercise to inudce hypertrophy depends on the way it is performed, and the condition of the muscle at the time it performs the exercise.

Now, I understand that there are some who refuse to believe that drugs are responsible for the size of pro bodybuilders today. Therefore, they will fail to accept the fact that the hypertrophic effect of exercise alone is incapable of producing a Coleman, or a Gunther, or even a Cutler. They will constantly be searching for that training "secret" that only the pros are privy to."

Il explique également que pour des raisons commerciales la routine HST officielle comporte plus de séries, sinon les gens auraient pas compris et se seraient meme pas donné la peine d'essayer le HST. Il dit que ONE set per bodypart est tout ce qui est requis ! no matter what !
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Les exercices : lesquels faire ?

Messagepar Sébastien le 26/09/2003 22h25

Vincent, parfois tu me fais douter grave .. je t'assure :wtf: !
C'est pas bien de jouer avec mes nerfs comme ça :D
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Inscription: 25/07/2003 07h53
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Les exercices : lesquels faire ?

Messagepar Vincent le 26/09/2003 22h30

Sébastien a écrit:Vincent, parfois tu me fais douter grave .. je t'assure :wtf: !
C'est pas bien de jouer avec mes nerfs comme ça :D

Seb j'essaye de tuer le plus de mythe possible, l'un des plus gros mythe est la nécessité de faire 10'000 exos par muscle.

la aussi comme pour le volume il y aura pas ou si peu de différence entre quelqu'un qui fait pour les pecs :

Dips + incline press (ou DM) et quelqu'un qui fait DC DD DI DM Flyes (incline et flat) Cables crossovers Pullover et je sais pas quoi encore... c'est pourtant la vérité, Haycock et Jones l'expliquent d'un point de vue physiologique. Le site exrx.net aussi et pourtant tout le monde continue de faire 10 exos par muscle... en croyant cibler des trucs impossible à cibler ou alors qui n'existent pas ! Si on aime vraiment un exo ok mais sinon... ca sert à rien et retarde la progression.

il est plus facile de progresser au DC en faisant que du DC que : DC DD DI DM Flyes (incline et flat) Cables crossovers Pullover
Dernière édition par Vincent le 26/09/2003 22h32, édité 1 fois.
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Les exercices : lesquels faire ?

Messagepar BlackMantis le 26/09/2003 23h31

Ca je suis pas d'Accord vinz, moi a chaque fois que jai exploser un plateau c'est quand je faisait d'autre exo d'Assistance. Si je ne fais que du DC, apres 1 mois je plafonne, alors que si je fais du DC, DI et du Fly, alors je peux avoir une progression bcp plus longue.
Pain is good; extreme pain is extremely good
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Inscription: 19/05/2003 11h59
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Les exercices : lesquels faire ?

Messagepar Herve Picard le 27/09/2003 15h56

moi je suis d accord avec black. Qd je faisais de la cap et que je plafonnais il m arrivait de remplacer des entrainements par du velo et de progresser .En plus qd tu fais tt le tps les memes exos c la que tu risques le plus les blessures ( repetitions des memes gestes) et le lassitude psychologique
Herve Picard
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Inscription: 20/05/2003 19h23
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