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La chlorophylle procure des bénéfices aux athlètes !

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La chlorophylle procure des bénéfices aux athlètes !

Messagepar audiomaniac le 09/09/2012 20h10

Messages: 1030
Inscription: 10/10/2009 13h02
Réputation: 22

La chlorophylle procure des bénéfices aux athlètes !

Messagepar audiomaniac le 09/09/2012 20h11

the effect of chlorophyll intake before exercise on blood Lactate and the pressure of oxygen
Krüger K, Pilat C, Gramlich I, Tweddell C, Mooren FC Jahrgang 62, nr. 7-8 (2011) Deutsche Zeitschrift für sport

Background: 2000 m rowing load puts the used muscles under high degree of anaerobic stress. In the past,
scientists were interested to know if and how to keep the muscles moving during an anaerobic state. Some researches
related to supplementation, where most emphasis is given to the maintenance of energy metabolism. Through
supplements enhancing blood oxygen, chlorophyll has been found to promote capillary dilatation and hemoglobin
function. Therefore, this study wants to discuss the effect of chlorophyll intake before 3 × 1000 m rowing exercise on
blood pH, pressure of oxygen, average rowing speed and the exclusion rate of lactate.
Methods: The study included 8 young male rowing athletes (17.5 ± 0.8years, 180.1 ± 3.5cm, 76.8 ± 7.9kg). The tests
were divided into two using a counter balance design, one with chlorophyll intake and the other one without.
The 3 × 1000m rowing tests started one hour after 200 mg chlorophyll intake. The rowing tests took place on two
different days on an indoor rowing ergometer (Concept-II). Blood samples were taken at rest before exercise and
1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 15th min after exercise for blood lactate. PO2 and pH were diagnosed after the first and
third 1000 m rowing. The differences of lactic acid, pH, PO 2 and average rowing speed between the two tests were
analyzed using the paired t-test. Statistical significance was accepted at p < 0.05.
Results: After 3 × 1000 m rowing test, the exclusion rate of blood lactate was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the
trial including chlorophyll intaked than in the control trial (36.84 % vs. 26.79 %). However, there were no significant
differences in average rowing speed and blood pH (p > 0.05). In the chlorophyll intake trial, PO2 was higher than
in the control trial in the first (79.50 ± 7.71 vs. 68.88 ± 8.04 mmHg, p > 0.05) and third (83.63 ± 9.52 vs. 80.75 ± 11.64
mmHg, p > 0.05) 1000m rowing tests.
Conclusion: Although the intake of chlorophyll before the test could not enhance athlete’s performance, it could
provide a more effective transportation of oxygen in the blood. Before the test, the intake of chlorophyll actually
increased the exclusion rate of lactate, which helps athletes to recover more quickly.

Messages: 1030
Inscription: 10/10/2009 13h02
Réputation: 22

La chlorophylle procure des bénéfices aux athlètes !

Messagepar audiomaniac le 09/09/2012 20h11

Il y en a il me semble dans le maté ?
Messages: 1030
Inscription: 10/10/2009 13h02
Réputation: 22

La chlorophylle procure des bénéfices aux athlètes !

Messagepar Vsmisleoi le 07/05/2015 16h22

I really liked this information.
Messages: 13
Inscription: 07/05/2015 12h10
Réputation: 0

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