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Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Questions précises et discussions sur la diététique sportive

Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Messagepar audiomaniac le 11/09/2012 19h28


Tu devais il me semble écrire un article sur l utilisation modérée de vin rouge a un certain moment de la journée qui pourrait être favorable sur la testostérone il me semble.

Un nouvel article publié sur la nutrition â été publié hier, et apparemment l alcool ne serait pas lié à l augmentation de testostérone , qu en penses tu ? 

Voici l article :

Sur google je suis tombé sur cet article qui va à l encontre de l article précédent :

Messages: 1030
Inscription: 10/10/2009 13h02
Réputation: 22

Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Messagepar Porloo le 11/09/2012 20h00

Nous ne sommes pas des rats, et encore moins des tubes à essai.
Messages: 9
Inscription: 26/03/2012 17h11
Réputation: 0

Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Messagepar audiomaniac le 11/09/2012 20h29

Je suis d accord mais quel rapport avec l article de lanutrition.fr ?
Messages: 1030
Inscription: 10/10/2009 13h02
Réputation: 22

Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Messagepar Porloo le 11/09/2012 20h35

Je vous laisse deviner.
Messages: 9
Inscription: 26/03/2012 17h11
Réputation: 0

Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Messagepar audiomaniac le 11/09/2012 20h52

Oui c est une etude in vitro mais est il possible de mesurer la variation de l enzyme l'UGT2B17 "in vivo" ?

Et si je me permets de creer ce sujet c est qu il me semble de Julien voulait faire un article à ce sujet.

Apres si vous avez d autres etudes "in vivo" pour faire avancer le debat je suis preneur
Messages: 1030
Inscription: 10/10/2009 13h02
Réputation: 22

Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Messagepar audiomaniac le 11/09/2012 21h24

Cette fois ci une etude "in vivo"


J. L. Vingren, H. H. Buddhadev, A. A. Duplanty, D. W. Hill;
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. Volume 25, March 2011, Supplement 1

Resistance exercise induces an acute increase in total (TT) and free (FT) testosterone;
whereas, ingestion of alcohol can acutely reduce TT and FT. Purpose: The purpose
of this study was to investigate the acute effect of alcohol ingestion on the
testosterone response to a bout of resistance exercise. Methods: Eight resistance
trained men (Mean ± SD: 25.3 ± 3.2 years, 87.7 ± 15.1 kg, 177 ± 7 cm, 15.1 ± 4.1 %fat)
completed 2 identical acute heavy resistance exercise tests (AHRET) each separated
by 1 week. The AHRET consisted of 6 sets of 10 repetitions of smith machine squats
starting at 80% of 1-repetition maximum and 2 min of rest between sets. 65 minutes
prior to the AHRET participants consumed a meal replacement drink containing
33.5 kJ per kg body mass. From 10-20 minutes post-AHRET participants consumed
either grain alcohol (EtOH) equal to 1.086 g of alcohol per kg lean mass (82-122 ml
of 95% alcohol total) or no alcohol (Placebo) diluted in an artificially sweetened and
calorie free beverage. The participants were blinded to conditions and the order of
conditions was counter-balanced. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was measured
using a breathalyzer before exercise and every 10 min for the first 100 min postexercise
and then every 20 min for the remaining 200 min. Blood was collected from
an antecubital vein immediately before exercise (PRE), immediately after exercise
(IP), and every 20 min post-exercise for 300 min; samples were pooled for analysis
for 20-40 min (2 samples), 60-120 min (4 samples), and 140-300 (9 samples) min
after exercise. Circulating TT, FT, and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations
were measured using enzyme immunoassays. Results: BAC (0.088 ± 0.015
g·dl-1) peaked 60-90 min post-exercise in all participants on alcohol ingestion days
and gradually dropped to 0.033 ± 0.009 g·dl-1 at 300 min post exercise. BAC was
0.000 g·dl-1 at PRE for the alcohol condition and for all time points during the placebo
condition. TT was significantly (p

<0.05) increased at IP for both conditions; at
140-300 min post-exercise TT was significantly higher for EtOH (22.5 ± 12.5 nmol·l-1)
and than for Placebo (13.9 ± 6.8 nmol·l-1). FT was significantly increased at IP; at 140-
300 min post-exercise FT was significantly higher for EtOH (40.5 ± 7.6 pmol·l-1) than
for Placebo (22.7 ± 10.0 pmol·l-1). No differences between conditions were noted for
SHBG. Conclusions: Ingestion of alcohol following an acute bout of resistance exercise
alters the testosterone response during the later stages of recovery. Alcohol appears
to cause elevations in TT and FT 2-5 hours post exercise. The acute resistance
exercise response of SHBG, the primary testosterone binding protein, does not appear
to be affected by alcohol ingestion. Practical Applications: The findings that
the testosterone response to exercise is augmented during late recovery suggest
an ergogenic effect of alcohol; however, caution should be used when interpreting
these results since alcohol has been shown to reduce muscle protein synthesis.

Alcohol has also been shown to reduce the receptor for testosterone, the androgen
receptor, in muscle thus the increase in testosterone could be due to a reduced uptake
and utilization of testosterone from the blood. In that context the ingestion of
alcohol following resistance exercise should be avoided.
Messages: 1030
Inscription: 10/10/2009 13h02
Réputation: 22

Alcool, vin rouge, testostérone

Messagepar Vsmisleoi le 07/05/2015 16h24

Thank you for your posts! Very interesting!
Messages: 13
Inscription: 07/05/2015 12h10
Réputation: 0

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