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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 30/12/2003 23h52

Je suis dans ma période Tractions tractions tractions donc voila encore un article sur les tractions : Why Pull-ups?

by Ed Thompson


In my experience and through observation and reading it is clear to me that the most neglected area of the serious strength trainer is his ability to do pulling movements, which are devoid of lower body assistance, such as chin-ups.

How many times have you seen someone in the gym with a big bench press and a non-existent squat? I have literally seen 400 lb benchers struggle to do a set of full squats with 185 lbs. Conversely, although much more seldom, I have seen "squat monsters" doing darn close to 600 lbs on the squat who couldn't do "squat" relatively speaking, on the bench press. My point is that we all have proclivities to work some movements harder than others and over time that is what we determine what our strengths are.

While a bench press isolates the pushing prowess of the upper body, and squats develop the ability of the legs, hips, glutes, and lower back, popular pulling movements of even the most dedicated strength trainer tend to fall short because of the tremendous level of lower body influence on their execution.

Think about the following pulls: deadlifts, cleans, power cleans, snatches and high pulls all derive a tremendous amount of their impetus from the lower body.

Better than sixty-five percent of our musculature resides below our waistlines. Then, there is our upper body of which the overwhelming majority of muscle mass is in our backs. For many of us this is a virtually untapped and under recognized treasure of strength. While it is true that the aforementioned pulling movements do work the back, it is also true that to a great extent they lack isolation and intensity because of the heavy emphasis on the lower bodies contribution to pulling (which does not take place on pressing movements such as military presses, bench presses and dips which, while being compound movements, are isolated from the lower body.)

The question then, is how do we increase pure upper body pulling ability, which will in turn influence the strength and power of our body as a total unit? Exercises such as bent-over row and T-bar rows, when looked at critically (especially when the trainee uses lots of weight) tend to become momentum driven, utilizing the legs to gain advantage and thus robbing the back, and our pure upper body pulling apparatus of its full potential.

The answer is simple, yet brutal. Chin ups (underhand grip) and pull ups (overhand grip), rope climbing (without using the legs) and pegboards all allow for concentration on pure pulling strength devoid of lower body influence.

Many otherwise strong individuals have missed the mark on these critical movements. Over the years I have seen countless individuals capable of deadlifting in excess of 500 lbs, struggle to do ten dead hang pull ups. Excuses abound. Pull ups (I use this term interchangeably with chin ups) are claimed to be the province of gymnasts, acrobats, people weighing under 165 lbs. and individuals with "no real lower bodies, so it is easy for them to do pull ups."

"I'm not good at pull ups because I am heavy."

"I'm not good at pull ups because I have big legs."

"I have a big deadlift, who needs to do pull-ups?"

Pull-ups are a gut check. They are unglamorous and not often an "ego lift" for strength trainers. In a lot of cases the ability to handle ones weight on pull-ups is a good indication of ones state of body composition. It's harder to do pull-ups if you are lugging a lot of extra fat around. Of course even that is not definitive, as we shall see in a moment. The biggest reason people are bad at pull-ups is that they don't do them.


I have personally seen more than a few female athletes and strength trainers perform 10 to 15 pull ups at a time, routinely, from a dead hang. Who said women don't have the potential for strong upper bodies.

Undefeated heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Marciano was credited in his biography of routinely doing over 30 pull-ups at a time as part of his training regimen (body weight in the 185 lbs. region.)

The July 1972 edition of "Sports Illustrated Magazine" did a pre Olympic profile of weightlifting icon Vasily Alexeyev. The super-heavyweight weightlifter from the former Soviet Union, often referred to as Uncle Vasily. He was reputed by the magazine [ :!: pas sur de la source donc...] to be able to do more than 32 pull ups at a bodyweight in the mid 300 lbs. range. Talk about pure pulling strength.

Strength and Health magazine at the end of the 70’s beginning of the 80’s did an article on a father and son team who specialized in pull-ups. I am sketchy on the details but if memory serves they could do over 60 pull-ups apiece, and get this, the father was over sixty himself!!!

Jack Lalanne, on a TV show in the 1950's, did 1000 chins along with 1000 push ups in 1 hour 22 minutes. They weren't done consecutively.

Former WSM Jon Paul Sigmarssson did 25 consecutive pull-ups at 300 lbs bodyweight. [25x126kg]

Former bodybuilding great, Marvin Eder did 80 consecutive chins at 190 lbs. [mais aussi 8xBW+200lbs, soit 8x177kg]

Former WSM competitor and bodybuilder, Mike Dayton did 85 pull-ups at 198 lbs.

The most pull-ups ever done is 370 reps, by Lee Chin-Yong of Hong Kong at age 62 in 1988. Lee Chin-Yong was 5'3" tall and 130 lbs

Stop rationalizing and start pulling. Think of deadlifts, cleans, etc...As what they truly are, full body movements. Don't rob yourself of pure upper body pulling power, which will aid you in everything you do.

Here are some tips:

1. Before you run out and start buying all kinds of equipment for your home gym, erect a pull up bar (in a doorway). Make sure it is sturdy. This tiny investment takes up virtually no space and can provide you with the workout of your life.

2. Don't use wraps or any grip aids other than chalk for pull-ups.

3. Do all sorts of variations. Overhand, underhand, close grip etc... Be careful not to do overly wide grip pull-ups or pull ups behind the neck as these can affect shoulder stability.

4. Make a goal of being able to do at least 20 dead hang pull ups, and meet that goal. You can do it.

5. Eventually work up to doing weighted pull-ups.

6. As with all strength achievements do not look for overnight success. You want to do thirty-five dead hang pull-ups? Make a five-year plan. You want to be able to do some one-arm pull-ups? Make a five-year plan. The key...STICK TO IT!!!

7. Seek out a YMCA, high school gym or community center and learn how to climb a thick rope. Get supervision for this (we don't want you falling) and learn both hand over hand climbing as well as reach-and-grab climbing (rope climbing for speed-takes a lot of pulling strength.)

8. Once you become proficient at pull-ups and rope climbing, get a weight vest and wear it when you do your workouts. After a time you will be using a thirty-pound vest (they usually have variable weights) and you will have forgotten it is there. Imagine what un-weighted pull-ups will feel like afterwards.

9. Erect a sturdy 2" x 4" in your home, not too long and well supported and do pull-ups by grabbing the beam at its greatest width.

10. Practice two arm and one arm static holds for time and with weight to increase your grip strength.

11. Hang by one hand and pinch grip a couple of weight plates in another. Who knows? Maybe one day you will be able to do a one-arm pull-up while pinch gripping weights in your other hand. What a feat that will be.

13. Quit rationalizing. Pull-ups are essential to the well-rounded strength athlete. Start your pulling strength plan today.

Tractions Dips/DC SQT SDT et voila :!: :cool:
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fred le 31/12/2003 00h26

D'ailleurs faudrait que je m'y remette aux tractions , dips, ça fait longtemps que j'en fait plus :cry:
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Messages: 2919
Inscription: 22/05/2003 17h04
Réputation: 14

Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 31/12/2003 00h31

Bah tant que tu fais SQT/SDT tu bosses pres de 70% de ta masse musculaire !!! mais c'est vrai que le 3ème exo après ces 2 la, c'est les tractions, qui bosse le plus gros muscles du haut du corsp le Latissimus Dorsi qui doit représenter au moins 50% de la masse musculaire de l'upper body.
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fred le 31/12/2003 00h47

A propos des tractions justement, j'avais prévu de les reprendre, mais avec en guise de prise: deux poignées a poulie accrochées sur une barre a traction. Comme ça je les ferai en prise neutre avec une largeur réglable, et le fait d'utiliser des poignées de poulies me permettrait d'avoir une meilleure mobilité au niveau des av-bras, donc une meilleure amplitude, et une trajectoire plus naturelle, un peu comme avec les haltères.

Qu'en penses tu?

Moi ça me semble un bon compromis, parce que d'après mon expérience:

-traction supination: bien mais bosse trop les biceps a mon gout.

-traction pronation: pas naturel pour les épaules, risque d'usure, de blessure.
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Messages: 2919
Inscription: 22/05/2003 17h04
Réputation: 14

Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 31/12/2003 00h52

oui la prise neutre c'est ce que conseille Vince Basile et Arthur Jones, ca ne peut être que bon :D
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fred le 31/12/2003 01h08

Ah bon je pensais que Jones conseillais la prise supination?!

Donc intuitivement j'avais fait le bon choix :cool:
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Messages: 2919
Inscription: 22/05/2003 17h04
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 31/12/2003 01h20

Jones parle des 2, la pluspart du temps il dit supination car les gens ne peuvent pas faire autrement, mais il utilisait souvent la prise neutre et toutes les machines Nautilus prévoyaient la prise neutre. Disons que entre les 2 sont coeur balance. Et pour Basile c'est nettement la prise neutre !!!
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fred le 31/12/2003 01h59

Idéalement le mouvement de traction devrait débuter presque en pronation et finir quasiment en supination, pour une amplitude maximale! :cool:

PS: je note que l'on n'est que trois a poster ce soir après minuit, toi, moi et Seb33!Aaahh c'est ça les passionnés, les vrais!! :cool: A moins que ce ne soit pour repousser l'heure du coucher pour pouvoir faire la fête tardivement demain!Pour moi c'est un peu des deux! :cool:

PPS: j'aime bien les :cool: et désolé pour ce bref pourrisage de topic.. :confused: ;)
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Messages: 2919
Inscription: 22/05/2003 17h04
Réputation: 14

Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 02/01/2004 12h23

6. As with all strength achievements do not look for overnight success. You want to do thirty-five dead hang pull-ups? Make a five-year plan. You want to be able to do some one-arm pull-ups? Make a five-year plan. The key...STICK TO IT!!!

Comme quoi tu as atteinds un bon niveau aux tractions Vincent !

Mais les tractions, avant de donner les perfs, c'est comme le reste, faut s'entendre sur l'exécution...

Est-ce que les pecs touche la barre, est-ce que le menton passe par-dessus la barre, est-ce que le menton passe juste le niveau de la barre...

Ainsi, sur mes vidéos déjà postées, le 5@83+27 c'est pecs sur la barre, et le 3@80+40, c'est menton par-dessus la barre seulement (plus facile donc). Quand Jeriko a fait les siennes devant moi, il s'arrêtait quand le menton passait le niveau horizontale de la barre... L'amplitude est plus courte, par contre le mvt est en tension continue. Je pense quand même que c'est plus facile comme ça.

The July 1972 edition of "Sports Illustrated Magazine" did a pre Olympic profile of weightlifting icon Vasily Alexeyev. The super-heavyweight weightlifter from the former Soviet Union, often referred to as Uncle Vasily. He was reputed by the magazine [ pas sur de la source donc...] to be able to do more than 32 pull ups at a bodyweight in the mid 300 lbs. range. Talk about pure pulling strength.

Je suis très septique compte-tenu du gabarit du bonhomme, où il s'agissait de traction partiel... Vu la taille des bras, je vois même pas comment c'est possible qu'il arrive à faire 1 traction...

D'autres part, les tractions c'est un des pire exos avec le bench pour les haltérophile...
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13820
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 02/01/2004 13h18

Je fais toutes mes tractions pecs barre, et parfois meme à la vince gironda en basculant de facon a toucher le sternum. Quand j'avais fais 6x35kg à ~73-75kg c'était menton au dessus. Et la récemment 4x36kg à 71-72 pecs barre. J'ai pris le réflexe maitnenant et je descend jusqu'à avoir les bras tendu sur pratiquement toutes les reps.

Vasily est peutêtre bien l'homme le plus fort de tous les temps donc... 32x158-160kg ca me parait possible surtout avec une amplitude réduite justement. Comparé à Marvin 10x180kg et Bert Assarti x? X 210kg !!!! (en 1940)
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 02/01/2004 15h28

Fab quelle est la meilleure largeur de grip pour toi ? celel qui permet de prendre le plus lourd ? Mike et Vince Basile parlent de ~20cm d'écart entre les mains et Arthur privilégiait une prise serrée aussi.

moi je prend prise largeur d'épaule 35cm mais je vais essayer avec 20cm la prochaine fois, je l'avais déjà fait je suis pas certain d'etre plus fort, on verra.
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Paul B. le 02/01/2004 15h32

La prise serrée mais mains en pronation, ça donne quoi au niveau force et implication des différents muscles ?
Paul B.
Messages: 1442
Inscription: 18/05/2003 12h48
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 02/01/2004 15h33

J'ai une prise de la largeur des épaules, peut-être très légèrement plus serré.

20 cm d'écart, je n'y arrive pas, mes bras et mes épaules me bloquent...

Pour l'articulation du coude et du poignet de toute façon, c'est plus logique de le faire largeur d'épaule...
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13820
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 02/01/2004 15h43

oui ca parait pas très naturel , mais je sens comme ca stretch les lats dès le départ. Ils appelent ca prestretch position, comme le curl pupitre versus curl barre debout.

je vais demander sur hardgainer.com comment font les meilleur pullers. Ca serait bien aussi de voir une photo de eder, car forcément il devait utiliser le grip qui permet de prendre le plus lourd.
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 02/01/2004 15h49

je vais demander sur hardgainer.com

Je sais pas si c'est une chose ! :o
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13820
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
Réputation: 236

Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 02/01/2004 16h08

tu te rends pas compte il y a des strong men sur HG !

example : Jeff Steinberg

"I can do 3 honest 1-arm chin-ups with either arm when i'm completely fresh and mentally prepared. this is pulling to the point where my chin is just over the bar (ie- not a sternum chin-up) in the past, i've done over 50 dead-hang pull-ups at ~140# bw (during hs wrestling testing) and bw+95x3x5 at 158# bw (just as a relative idea of the 2 hand pulling required for me to pull bw with 1-arm effectively)

as for doing 16 straight 1-arm chin-ups...that's just incredible. i have huge respect for the old time lifters like marvin eder, eugene sandow, and mike dayton who could do 10-12 1-arm's any time, any place. i know eder could do bwx100 and bw+200x10...dayton was also able to do bwx80 on a whim."

John Allstadt semble utiliser un grip ~30cm, shoulder width ! moi je me suis senti nettement plus fort en close grip !!! on verra ce que ca donnera à la prochaine séance de tractions.
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 02/01/2004 16h46

Le Meilleur Grip par Vince Basile :

Robert Wildes :

"I discovered that a relatively narrow grip on pullups was best for me over three decades ago. Around that same time Arthur Jones was telling people that the close grip was superior.I do not have any experience with your 6-8 inch parallel grip pulldown, but see the logic in it, particularly the close grip.
I am amazed to still read articles promoting the wide grip pullup and/or pulldown. There must be people that benefit from that grip and Curd Edmunds may have been one. A picture in Iron Man around 1983, showed him gripping the pullup bar with a grip that was wider than his shoulders. This man was reported to have exceeded well over 100 chins at a very advanced age. I believe that he weighed approximately 170 pounds.

De : Vince Envoyé : 06.07.2002 11:45
Arnold gave a seminar at my gym in 1974. He demonstrated wide grip lat pulldowns. He said, *I do zem vide to get vide!* As we can see he never did get very wide. That theory is nonsense. Those who have trained a long time often evolve to doing the pulldowns with a narrower grip. Those who experiment discover that the narrow grips work the lats better than the wider grips. Yet, most trainees elect to do them wide. A pity because they are missing out on using more weight. More weight usually translates into larger muscles. I also think the narrower grips are safer. The parallel grip takes the stress off the biceps and allows the brachialis to help. So a grip about 6 to 8 inches wide should be ideal for this movement to the top of the chest. No swaying back or jerking motions. And stretch at the top of the movement. Five maxmimum sets of 5 reps is what I prefer.

le dos de Vince ?


[note je met l'image car il faut etre membre du forum pour y accéder autrement]

les Close Grip Chins permettent une amplitude maximum et un poids maximum. Vince Basile et Arthur Jones les recommandent. Vince mr.Canada 1970 avec un certain développement (!) et Arthur Jones prenait plus lourd aux tractions que Casey Viator et Arnold.
Dernière édition par Vincent le 02/01/2004 16h56, édité 1 fois.
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
Réputation: 0

Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Plasma le 02/01/2004 16h53

Vincent a écrit:I am amazed to still read articles promoting the wide grip pullup and/or pulldown. There must be people that benefit from that grip and Curd Edmunds may have been one. A picture in Iron Man around 1983, showed him gripping the pullup bar with a grip that was wider than his shoulders. This man was reported to have exceeded well over 100 chins at a very advanced age. I believe that he weighed approximately 170 pounds.

So what ? Close grip or wide grip ?

Vincent a écrit:Arnold said : *I do zem vide to get vide!*

Excelllllllllent ! :p :p :p

Vincent a écrit:les Close Grip Chins permettent une amplitude maximum et un poids maximum. Vince Basile et Arthur Jones les recommande. Vince mr.Canada 1970 avec un certain développement et Arthur Jones prenait plus lourd aux tractions que Casey Viator et Arnold.

Au moins, ça c'est clair !
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Inscription: 05/10/2003 15h14
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 02/01/2004 17h28

Vincent a écrit:Five maxmimum sets of 5 reps is what I prefer.

Hum... :rolleyes:
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13820
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
Réputation: 236

Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Vincent le 02/01/2004 17h42

quoi ? :confused: Vince prend parfois 10 minutes entre les séries pour faire 5x5 avec son 5-6RM, enfin d'après ce qu'il dit !
Gagner du muscle : Progressive Resistance
Perdre du gras : Input < Output
Strict Curl 1x58kg
Bakawa shinanakya naoranai
Les idiots ne guerrissent qu'en mourant.
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Messages: 7220
Inscription: 16/05/2003 22h00
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Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 02/01/2004 17h43

Oops ! J'accumule les conneries ! J'ai confondu Vince et Vince ! :D
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Fabrice SP
Messages: 13820
Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
Réputation: 236

Pourquoi faire des tractions par Ed Thompson ?

Messagepar Dx2jc le 02/01/2004 17h46

Eh ben c'est pas ton jour Fab :D , y'aurait-il des séquelles d'une subtance aromatique très volatile :?:
Go to One-Set... / /
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Inscription: 20/12/2003 02h14
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