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Eccentric Training for Powerlifting ?

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Eccentric Training for Powerlifting ?

Messagepar Vincent le 01/01/2004 15h05

"Researchers form several universities collaborated in a study to see if extra eccentric loads would increase the lifter's 1RM in the Bench Press. The device used is interesting: a bar with a slanted bottom and hooks on the top were placed on the ends of a bar during the bench press. The length of the bar was such that once the bar touched the chest (or approached it) the device would unhook from the bar. Thus, the weight you are lowering is greater (in the study, 105%) than the load you are lifting.
Eight subjects used the device for a maximal bench press attempt and reported a 5 to 15 lbs increase in their 1RM bench press. The researchers theorized that this phenomenon was due to the enhanced stretch shortening cycle. The important question is whether or not this method will aid in training for powerlifting."

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 9-13.

Ils ont utilisé que 105% du 1RM ce qui est ridicule pour du NEGATIVE ONLY training, normalement c'est 130-140% ou plus !!!

et :

"A key finding was that the quadriceps muscle cells of the decline-trained [NEGATIVE ONLY TRAINING] rats contained almost 10 per cent more sarcomeres per cell, compared to the quads of the inclined rodents."

La aussi assez ridicule comme différence car la résistance n'était pas assez grande dans le négatif only training.
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Eccentric Training for Powerlifting ?

Messagepar Rudy le 01/01/2004 21h21

le probleme du negatif quand meme c est que tes articulations en prennent plein la gueule :confused:
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Eccentric Training for Powerlifting ?

Messagepar Fabrice SP le 02/01/2004 11h22

Bof, non, je trouve pas puisque le mvt est exécuté très lentement...
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Fabrice SP
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Inscription: 15/05/2003 19h42
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Eccentric Training for Powerlifting ?

Messagepar Rudy le 02/01/2004 11h57

la charge etant plus lourde de ce que tu as l habitude de supporter, si !
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Inscription: 16/05/2003 07h20
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